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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Good Food and Drinks When Trying to Conceive - Part 2

Saturday, October 31, 2009

By Melissa M. Coleman

In part 1 of "Good Food and Drinks When Trying to Conceive" we spoke about water, and how much water can have a positive or negative effect on your fertility and your pregnancy efforts. Now it's time to talk a little bit about food, and how what we put into our bodies can affect us. Also what TO PUT in your body to maximize fertility.

Now just a word on vegetarian diets... If a woman is aware of her basic nutritional needs as discussed in this article, she should do just fine on a well-balanced vegetarian diet. By eating a wide variety of whole grains, legumes, dried fruit, lima beans and wheat germ, a woman should be able to get enough iron, zinc and other trace minerals to have a healthy body and a healthy pregnancy. Those on vegan diets may need to seek the advice of a health professional on taking supplements such as calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12.

What else goes into a healthy pre-conception diet?

Meat, fish, eggs, a variety of fruits and vegetables

Dairy food for calcium

Cereals (preferably non-sweetened), beans, whole grain bread

Limited starches such as potatoes and pasta (whole grain pasta and sweet potatoes provide more fiber and beta-carotene than the white starches)

Foods low in fat and high in fiber are most desirable - they include fruits & vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grain products.

Wine with meals (or without meals, for that matter!

What foods should you limit?


Un-pasteurized dairy products

Raw eggs

Soft cheeses


Any foods that contain lots of sugar, partially-hydrogenated oils, lots of salt or fats (again, it's so important to read food labels...and rinse canned veggies to remove salt!)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Good Foods and Drinks When Trying to Conceive - Part 1

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

By Melissa M. Coleman

Trust me I know...the last thing you want is another diet right now, but what you do want to know what are the good foods and drinks when trying to conceive. It is a very important matter that most women and couples miss out on in their ttc efforts, and it's one that could have a drastic effect on your natural fertility and ability to easily conceive...or at all for that matter.

This article is only part one of a many part series so please do make sure to look through my other articles and read part 2, as there is much to discuss regarding food and drink during this time, and it can't all be done in one article.

Let's start with the most basic and important nutrient of all....


Need I say more about the need to drink LOTS of water every day? The startling fact is that most people go around slightly dehydrated much of the time. I thought it was very strange that I had to keep reminding my husband to take a drink of water when we were on long trips...otherwise, he just didn't think about it! The one good thing about the bottled water craze is that it's got most of us thinking about putting more water into our bodies. Since evidence has recently come to light that the clear, disposable water bottles have toxic substances that may affect the water inside, just carry an opaque sports bottle with iced water inside. Make sure your loved ones have one, too. Think about it...the inside of our bodies is filled with moving parts that all require water to work well. And what woman isn't aware of the effect of lack of moisture on the skin?

During pregnancy and lactation, you will need to drink 8 to 12 eight-ounce glasses of liquids every day. Here are a few reasons why water is so very important to us - it provides for transmission of nutrients to cells, balancing acids, holding salts and cushioning the body's organs. Water contributes 55 - 65% of our adult body weight. The fetus also requires an abundant supply of fluids to develop properly in its prenatal environment.

The amount of water required by the body can vary greatly from person to person, and environment to environment. Pregnancy and lactation, exercise, heat, dry climates and high fiber diets are all factors that increase the body's hydration requirement. Inadequate water consumption can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, and decreased mental alertness in pregnant women. For the fetus, it can mean inadequate transportation of nutrients, ineffective removal of waste matter, an overly-warm uterine environment, and insufficient fluid in the amniotic sac. As you can see, the effects of dehydration can jeopardize fetal growth and development. In some severely-dehydrated women, premature labor and delivery can occur. So...even though water bottles are being banned in some communities now, the national thirst for bottled water has made us all aware of the need for hydration.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Treat Your Food and Drink Allergies

Sunday, October 25, 2009

By Vairo Anglis

Certain food and drink allergies can make you very uncomfortable in few situations, keeping you always suspicious of what you are about to eat or drink. This can affect a human in a many different ways. Just think about it! How easy it is to have the same food every day you are already bored with? Well let me give you a clue, ''It's NOT Easy.''

Even worse factor is, in some of the cases when you were able to enjoy a certain food or drink, but in the meanwhile you have developed an allergic reaction to it. It surely is very unpleasant to hunger after a certain food and to resent it at the same time because you anticipate the disagreeable effects it will have on you.

Food and Drink sensitivity

The way you get allergic reaction is when a specific enzymes in the product you are having can not tolerate some chemical or natural substance of it.

The main symptoms are: gas, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, skin rash, headaches, and cough.

From another point of view, allergy is an immune response to some allergens, or food proteins that generate the allergy, and has a partially different symptomatology: soft tissues (tongue, lips, eyelids, etc.) swelling lesions itches vomiting culminating anaphylactic shock.

Most common Food generating allergies include milk, eggs, seafood, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and wheat.

Aloeride effectiveness

Now there is a easy way to regain the possibility of using food and drinks banned for long time from your diet. Few cases reports an increased tolerance to substances you could never even think to ingest again after undergoing terrible reactions to them. The fact that Aloeride performs on the immunity system guarantees that allergic reactions, as immunity responses to some mixtures found in food or drinks, can be dealt with. Using Aloeride for drink or food allergies doesn't really mean you should go and grab everything you had allergy before with. It would be really irresponsible from your side, however Aloeride may actually surprise you, it offers you an opportunity to learn simple things like rightfully appreciated food, especially after a period of constant prohibition and frustration.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Energy - Are We Getting Enough From Food and Drinks?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

By Heinz Gisel
"Energy and Persistence Alter All Things"
Benjamin Franklin

The basic force and condition behind all activities of human life is the presence on command of energy. Energy is required for every aspect of existence - everything we do, think, feel, move, eat, drink, digest, dream and even breathe uses energy. We are born with a reserve of energy stored in all cells, which needs to be steadily replenished with breathing at all times. If breathing were to stop, death would ensue in a matter of minutes. In hibernation or coma, breathing is greatly reduced because of reduced use of energy expenditure, as compared to ordinary function. Energy cannot be made and it can't be destroyed, it can only be converted from one form into another form.

Now, if Food is Energy - how come that people who eat a lot, particularly overweight and obese people - complain the most about lack of Energy? Fat is our primary source of energy from food, so why don't people that thrive on a fatty diet are bursting with energy? We know that energy in food is measured in kilo calories and a lot of people actually count the daily intake of calories in order to balance their weight. And - yes it doesn't work, why?

Life is much more complex than what can be compacted into a simple arithmetic formula and as a society; we are far away from understanding this complexity. Obviously, food is by far not the only source of energy; we get energy from air, exposure to the sun, cosmic energy, and energy from minerals, rocks, plants, animals and other humans. Expending energy is equally ambiguous; we emit energy without awareness to others, then obviously there is energy expenditure that can be measured such as muscle work at the gym, but what about Passion?

Doesn't passion activate energy even in people that claim to have none? Then, would lack of energy be a euphemism for a lack of purpose in life? At play is with certainty a believe system, the spirit, the soul. We can't measure it, yet we know it plays a vital role in receiving and expending energy. There is scientific evidence that believes influence the contraction and healing of disease and cognitively we know that a purpose in life activates energy according to the task.

Let's go back to energy utilization from food sources. The little we know today is that energy in food cannot be adequately quantified or qualified by counting calories. Food transports information to the cells of the body - that is - food that is alive. Live food has measurable light in it, such as fruits and vegetables, water, eggs, etc., while processed; microwaved or irradiated food has none. The cells in the human body also have light and the intercellular communication is light.

So how can you eat plenty of food and have no energy? The amount of energy available to use at any one time depends on the quality of the blood, lymph, nerves and light energy pathways (known as meridians). These in turn are dependent upon the presence and the proper proportions and amounts of the essential substrates in the body, such as minerals, trace elements, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, carbohydrates, etc. At the same time, interference factors such as toxins from smoking, drugs, environmental toxins, transdermally induced toxins from personal care products, and chemicals inhaled from breathing air must be minimized. In addition we need to be well rested and well hydrated and our body's must be in pH balance, neither acidic: d 6.4 pH, nor alkaline: e 7.0 pH.

If energy disposition were dependent on eating, then the more we would eat the more energy we would have at our disposal, and since fat has the highest energy content, fast food would provide what we need to cope with any energy demand situation. Well, obviously we know cognitively that the opposite is true, the more we eat and the worse the nutritional value of the food, the more sluggish and tired we become. While we can attest to the expenditure of energy, we rarely notice the buildup of energy. Here we return to the "Passion": we may feel that we have no energy at all because we don't perceive any purpose, we need to be overcome with Passion for something in order to unleash our latent potential of energy.

Evidently, the "lack of energy" and the asking for "more energy" is a very complex mind-body matter that drug-based acute-care medicine cannot address. Certainly, there are uncounted drugs in TV ads that promise the magic boost of personal power and often, we resort to a cup of coffee for short term results. Though in order to accomplish lasting results, we must address the cause at the cellular level: energy production. Almost everyone wants "more energy", though every person has a different understanding of what this means. This request is a cry for harmony and equilibrium, the yearning for a healthy body which can derive all the nutrients in food for energy, rather than tiredness and exhaustion. The comforting news is that almost everyone can gain measurable energy by simple lifestyle adjustments, such as avoiding toxins, proper nutrition and adequate exercising. For resources and references visit

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wedding Food and Drink

Monday, October 19, 2009

By Glen Anthony Brown

With so many things to organise in the lead up to your wedding, it might just be a good idea to keep wedding food and drink uncomplicated. But to ensure your and your guests taste buds are satisfied, choosing seasonal and high quality food are the best things you could do. Not hard to do - and still affordable.

The hardest part of choosing what food and drink to have for your wedding is trying to suit everyone's tastes. You should choose a menu that suits a range of tastes so that the majority of your guests will really enjoy their food, looking back on your wedding day as quite memorable.

There are many options for food at your reception but we have narrowed it down to three, to help you make a decision more easily. You can have canapés - snack food -, a buffet or a sit down lunch or dinner, depending on when your reception is.

Financial crisis and food

During tougher economical times, a buffet could be a good option as it's most cost effective. There's a great range of foods you can choose if you opt for the buffet, so that it doesn't matter if your guests are vegetarians, vegans or meat lovers, they can select whatever they like.


Canapes are usually the more expensive option so if you choose canapés you may like to look around before you decide on a menu. Remember that some guests may not have had breakfast, so it would probably not be a good idea for them to drink on an empty or near-empty stomach.

As a general rule, allow about six canapés per person (before lunch) and 14 or more per person (for a rinks and canapés reception only). A good combination of canapés to choose for your guests would consist of half hot and half cold canapés, with at least 30 per cent vegetarian and 10 vegan. Make sure that you have capable staff who can tell your guests what the canapés are. Make sure they are well briefed before they perform their role. Try not to select canapés that are hard to eat, as you and your guests could end up with quite a mess.


Make your life easier by choosing simple entrees that are easy to eat and use seasonal produce. If you want to suit everyone, a cold, vegetarian dish is the best you could choose here. It's also easy to eat and can be served as soon as everyone is seated.

Main course

If you choose to have a buffet for your wedding it's a good idea to tell your staff when each table can go and collect their food to prevent overcrowding and consequential chaos. If you have selected to have a sit down lunch or dinner, a dish that is easily prepared and can be served on a single plate will make the job a lot easier for both chefs and staff.

Like the entree, consider the time of year your reception will be held to determine the best tasting produce. Your guests will definitely be satisfied with their meals if they are made from seasonal produce. Consider basic notions such as the fact most people probably won't want to eat a cold meal if it's the middle of an icy winter. Alternatively, a big pork roast might make your guests sweat glands overproduce if you choose this meal in the middle of a sweltering summer.

Be aware of any of your guests' food allergies to make sure you have alternatives for them. Chefs will usually cater to such requests. Also be aware of age. Elderly people and small children probably won't eat as much.


While your choice of dessert will be appreciated if it is massively indulgent, try not to go overboard with your puddings and don't make them too rich. Generally individual plates served at the tables are the and easiest way to serve dessert.

Again be careful of seasons. If you're having your wedding during summer it's probably a good idea not to have puddings that may melt or collapse, or are incredibly rich and heavy. Sometimes couples choose to have their wedding cake as the pudding. This is both an economical and practical option, but there are many different pudding ideas you can have.

Desserts are also the perfect meal to be more decorative with. Add coulis, berries, or sauces to the desserts to make them just that little bit extra enticing.

Coffee and tea

Because not everyone will have coffee or tea it might save from making the tables less cluttered by not laying down cups and saucers. Having a separate table for coffee and tea is the best thing to do here. It will also encourage your guests to move off their table and circulate and socialise. You may like to add a plate of petit four or slices of wedding cake on this table.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Panic Attack Causes - Which Food and Drinks Can Help You?

Friday, October 16, 2009

By Michelle Tason

Unfortunately it took me nearly 30 years to get in tune with my body before I came to realize that certain foods that I ate would either cause me to have a panic attack or reduce the frequency and duration of them.

What you need to know is that these foods can also affect your panic attacks as well.

In this article I will be sharing with you the foods that you should strongly consider including in your diet for preventive maintenance.

By understanding the basics of why you need these foods you will be better prepared for what to look for and add to your diet.

B-Complex has been known to reduce stress levels and keep your neurotransmitters happy. You can incorporate B-Complex into your diet through natural foods or through a high potency multi vitamins with natural herbs.

Chronic stress, smoking, typical poor diet, alcohol, and doctor prescribed drugs can quickly deplete B vitamins from your body.

So you need to be sure to eat foods high in B-Complex. What you want to look for are the dark green vegetable and whole grain foods to incorporate into your diet. For the dark green foods you want to eat Broccoli, green beans, sea weed, spinach, kale, hydrilla, and other green foods.

The whole grain foods that you should eat are whole grain pasta, barley, whole-grain cereal, oatmeal, brown rice as well as other whole grain foods.

By eating these foods high in B-Complex you can dramatically reduce the number of panic attacks or prevent a possible attack while your under stressful time periods in your life.

However keep in mind that eating healthy is only part of the equation when it comes to panic attacks. There are also typically deeply rooted issues that can also contribute to your anxiety and panic disorder and if you do not learn how to properly deal with those, only half your battle is won.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Panic Attack Causes - Which Food and Drinks to Avoid

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

By Michelle Tason

So the big question is, who is more susceptible to panic attacks from eating certain foods?

The are generally two types of people who are more susceptible to having a panic attack induced by food or drinks that they consume.

The first type of person who is vulnerable is a person who has had panic or anxiety attacks before. These are the type of people who are much more easily induced into a lapse from ingesting certain foods and drinks.

The second type of person is a person who has never had a panic or anxiety attack but are often referred to as a nervous person in general, or a person who is typically under a lot of stress from their job, relationships, health,etc.

Since panic and anxiety attacks are primarily stress related its important to know that certain food and drinks that you ingest can induce you into a panic attack.

You want to stay away from Food and drinks that are known to contribute to nervousness. Anything that can negatively affect the neurotransmitters in your body. One of the most obvious is from drinking coffee or tea. You need to stay away from anything that has stimulants in them such as caffeine, or anything with "drine" in them like ephedrine that is known to be found in illegal drugs and over the counter medicines and previously used in energy drinks. Also Guarana a plant from Brazil, and Glucuronolactone is also found in energy drinks.

Many different kinds of sodas also contain high levels of caffeine and other stimulants such as Coke, Pepsi, and other dark sodas as well as some orange drinks.

If you are a person who does not eat well and consumes a lot of candy, starchy foods, processed foods, or foods with sugar in them you should know that these types of foods can also trigger panic and anxiety attacks.

The most vulnerable trait and commonality of both types of people is that of stress which can easily cause either person to lapse into a panic or anxiety attack from drinking and eating some of the food and drinks listed above.

Be very careful and aware what you eat and drink particularly when under unusual stress.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fast Food And Obesity - What's The Connection And How Can You Break It?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

By Melinda Grossman

There seems to be a definite connection between fast food and obesity. The fast food chains will deny it of course, or blame it on their customers, but the association is there. And it's a problem Americans need to address.

So, what's so special about fast food? As it turns out, fast food has some true advantages . . . in the short term. The food is hot and it tastes good. Quite simply, people enjoy eating it more than they do many other kinds of food. However, this is one of the links between fast food and obesity.

Another advantage of fast food is, well, it's fast. Not only that but it's convenient - easily found. What other kind of food can you go out and pick up ready to go at a moment's notice? You don't have to cook, shop, or even wash dishes. Just toss the bag in the trash. You're saving all kinds of time here.

You can eat fast food and obesity is the furthest thing from your mind as you chow down.

In fact, fast food is even a socially accepted custom. Children's birthday parties are held at fast food restaurants. People meet here after sporting events. We're encouraged by society in general and the custom is touted by tantalizing commercials. Fast food and obesity are never linked in these commercials, by the way.

Scientists have made it their business to study fast food and obesity issues. Some say fast food is as addictive to the human body as heroin. This is of interest since the average American eats away 4 helpings of fast food French fries and 3 fast food hamburgers every week!

Researchers have found people start to crave the sugar, fat, and salt of fast foods. Many different lab studies have demonstrated sugar addiction in rats, for example. One study determined that the rats experienced withdrawal symptoms when sugar was taken away. Because of soft drinks, shakes, and other treats offered, fast food and obesity are connected once again.

Fast food also signals the body to have changes in hormones. These changes make it nearly impossible to control eating. After people eat fast food for a period of time they gain weight. Then they become resistant to leptin, which affects appetite.

Addiction sets in when you crave a second fast food meal after having one already that day. The fast food will cause your blood sugar to go very high and then very low. You'll want more. You may deny yourself, but without your fast food, you may feel symptoms of weakness and shakiness. This is how fast food and obesity are linked.

The quantity of fast food Americans are eating is an issue of great concern. Fast food and obesity statistics bear this out.

Americans have gotten used to the Super Sized portions. And even though a single fast food meal has enough fat and calories for the entire day, statistically there's a good chance you'll eat a second fast food meal during the same day. Or if not you'll probably eat something else before the day is out.

With about 1/3 (one-third) of all American adults over 20 being obese, fast food and obesity need to be studied more closely. As you take yourself or your family to the nearest fast food haven for dinner, please think twice.

How about only going once or twice a month instead of several times a week? It's important to take this connection between fast food and obesity seriously. You'll live longer and enjoy life more because of your good health if you do.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Comamos! Planning the Food and Drinks at Your Fiesta

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

By M. Kabel

The fiesta dinner is a big part of thanking your guests for coming to your Quinceanera celebration. Much like the dinner served at a wedding reception, it's a way to celebrate the special occasion - your coming of age - while showing everyone your newfound grace and poise as a hostess and intelligent mujer joven.

Where to Find the Best Deals

Planning the fiesta meal in many cases will be a large part of finding the right location to host your Quince celebration. The facility you choose might offer complete dinners for your entire party as part of their rental package. Many of these venues sometimes offer dinners a la carte, which is to say you pay for only the items you want, creating a custom menu from a list of possible choices. This is a great way to instill some variety into your meal and create a dinner your guests will love.

If the facility doesn't offer food service, you can also choose to have a professional caterer take care of all the dining preparations. Caterers also sometimes offer music and lighting as part of a package, so you'll save time there, as well.

As a thrifty option, you might want to keep it mellow with a laid-back potluck event, and invite everyone to bring their own homemade dish. The guest party favors you give your guests can tie into the meal, too, as you offer everyone souvenir candies or coffees.

One note of caution, here: you'll probably want the help of an older adult to make sure you're getting a value for your money.

What To Serve

The Quinceañera celebration is a tradition, so the food you serve should evoke your family and community heritage. Find out what dishes and side dishes are popular in your homeland and see if you can't have them prepared for your guests, as a special recognition of your origins. You can also give each guest a small party favor, for example a photo frame coaster or bookmark, that shows you appreciate the importance of history and keeping memories fresh.

If you're looking to add a little style to the meal, why not mix traditional dishes with contemporary foods and drinks? Fusion cuisine is all the rage right now, especially when blending Latin cuisine with exotic elements from all around the world. See if your caterer or venue chef can mix something up to blend the old with the new. The final dish will be delicious example of the modern Quinceañera spirit.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Storage Tips And Organization Guide For Food And Beverages In The Kitchen

Sunday, October 4, 2009

By Lester Fong

As the third part of my kitchen organization guide, here are some storage tips and organization guide for food and beverages in the kitchen.

Vegetable Storage

Besides the refrigerator, other storage areas for root vegetables include baskets, racks or drawer. The ultimate dream kitchen has separately operated refrigerated and dehumidified drawers (as opposed to drawers in the refrigerators) for fresh food like vegetables and bread, which can be a generally expensive option.

A simple and inexpensive alternative is to create a ventilated drawer in the existing kitchen. This should be fairly deep and have runners that are strong enough to take the weight of root vegetables like potatoes. Drill ventilation holes at intervals along the sides your bottom kitchen drawer, and perhaps some along the front it this van be done neatly. Set a rack or racks in the bottom of the drawer to allow air under the vegetables, and use it frequently to ensure good air circulation.

Keeping Packaged Food

For canned and packaged food such as dry flour, salt and olive oil, the ultimate store cupboard would be a walk-in larder with a marble or slate slab for storing cooked or prepared food in anticipation of a meal and shelves up the walls. Most of us would have to make do with just a cupboard or a couple of drawers.

A drawer is an ideal place to store food in that you can pull it our and see right to the back at a glance. If you’re building a customized kitchen, measure your stores and have drawers made to fit; one for cans and jams, and a deeper one below for larger packets and jars.

If you keep your stores in a cupboard, there’s an easy way to prevent things from disappearing to the back. Simply cut a U shape out of the middle of the front of each shelf. No doubt you lose some surface area but you’ve got better accessibility in return. If the cupboard is tall, you can hang a hook for aprons or string bags on the middle of the inside of the cupboard door since there’s now space to for them to hang down.

Storing Beverages

Apart from the few that you consumer regularly, keep wines and drinks elsewhere. Storing drinks in the kitchen demands a lot of space so a cellar or outbuilding is ideal.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Outdoor Wedding Reception Food and Drinks - Money Saving Methods

Thursday, October 1, 2009

By Hilary Basile

Wedding Reception Food

For those who opt for an outdoor wedding reception, there are several ways food can be served. Following are some popular and money saving methods for serving food at an outdoor wedding reception:

* Barbecue. At a casual reception, it is common to serve barbecue items such as hamburgers, chicken, or ribs. To make your barbecue buffet-style, ask your guests to forego a wedding gift in exchange for bringing their own special dish to accompany the barbecue. Although, if you do this, be sure to confirm with your guests beforehand so that you don't have everyone bringing the same dish.
* Buffet. Ask your guests to bring a favored dish instead of a wedding gift. If cost is an issue, serve vegetable, cheese, fruit, and meat trays with dips and other snacks rather than hosting a huge meal.
* Theme. Create a theme to base your reception meal around, such as Mexican or Hawaiian. Choose an outdoor theme that is simple, easy and affordable.

Wedding Reception Drinks

The bar tab can often account for one of the largest wedding expenses. Following are tips on serving drinks at your reception without incurring a major expense:

* Semi-open bar. Offer several beverages for free, such as beer and all non-alcoholic drinks, but have guests pay a nominal fee for mixed drinks, such as a dollar per drink to cover some of the expense.
* Bring your own. Request that guests bring their own drinks to the outdoor reception in lieu of bringing a wedding gift.
* Bulk purchase. Buy your spirits in bulk from a wholesaler.
* Multiple purchases. Purchase the drinks over a time period rather than all at once to spread the cost and payments.

The beauty of hosting one is that it provides the flexibility to be casual or formal. A more casual theme will leave you with more room to reduce the expenses associated with the wedding reception food and drinks.

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