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Friday, August 26, 2011

Is Soy Milk Good for You?

Friday, August 26, 2011

By Ben Owen

Soy milk has been used by Asian countries like China, Japan, Korea and Malaysia for centuries already to make their food. The first proof was seen in China ages ago wherein it was even incised on a stone. Until this very moment, our Asian neighbors continue to use it to make their staple food, particularly the tofu and other cuisines. It has even reached our shores already and many arguments have been raised to prove whether or not soya milk is good for you. Knowing the pros and cons of soya milk will help us answer that question.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Drinking Soy Milk

Since soy milk is derived from heating and grinding the soy beans with water, it is considered as a sterilized product. Therefore soya milk is good for you. Not only that, since it is also a vegetable, it is rich in fiber that helps us during our bowel movement and prevents constipation. Another good thing about the soya milk is that it contains a chemical, the isoflavones, which is similar to that of estrogen that helps fight back or prevent bacteria that causes cancer, heart problems, osteoporosis and other deadly diseases. Let us also not forget that this milk is very much recommended for people with lactose intolerance as they can not drink a regular cow's milk without getting an upset stomach. Soy milk has 0.0 lactose content making it safe for them to drink. Another advantage of this nutritious mixture is that its nutritional content is higher compared to the regular one making it more nutritious and fitting for consumption.

One of the major downfalls of soya milk is that its calcium contents falls 25% lower compared to the regular cow's milk. Manufacturers need to add more calcium into their products in order for it to compete with its grandest rival. Not only that, it can no longer be called natural as other ingredients may also be added to it for taste and other nutritional benefits. Another problem with soya milk is that it takes a long time to prepare. The soy beans need to be soaked in water for long hours before it can be used. The traditional way of preparation is also messy and need proper knowledge. If the soya milk mixture is not heated properly, it can cause the pancreas to hypersecrete which can lead to various health problems. If this is the case, we can't surely say that, soy milk is good for you.

In providing answer to the above question "is soy milk good for you" I think that soya milk is very beneficial for some people, like those with lactose intolerance. They cannot drink milk so they have to look for ways to somehow enjoy the taste and benefit of it. And I think that one way of doing it is by drinking the soya milk product. While for those who still doubt the nutritional benefits of the product, I think it's better if we just respect each other's opinion and let those people who want to drink the mixture, drink it. Whatever happens to them that will be purely due to their belief that soy milk is good for them.


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